PRIZM Ensemble is a leader in music diversity.

Since 2005, we have ensured that our teachers and artists represent our city’s demographic make-up and have brought musical story-telling to communities and schools across Memphis.




Youth Served


Audience Reached


Festival Attendance

PRIZM works with under-served Memphis communities, through both in-school and host site programs, opening doors to musical access and opportunity.

Who are we?

Since 2005, PRIZM Ensemble has created opportunities for Memphis’ youth to grow both in musical and personal development, while reflecting our demographics.


PRIZM Music Camp & International Chamber Music Festival

The summer and winter PRIZM Music Camp & International Chamber Music Festivals provide opportunities for young musicians to learn together with peers from across the city, developing life-skills, while working with a diverse faculty of musicians recruited from across the world.


The PRIZM Chamber Orchestra is a leader in music diversity

Over the course of three PCO orchestras, we have demonstrated artistic diversity is achievable, providing mentors to our youth, and truly reflecting our city’s demographics.


Bringing musical instruction to Memphis’ underserved communities through our PRIZM in the Schools program

Our curriculum allows students to flourish through musical instruction, instilling confidence, team-building and diligence, while providing participants with positive role models that look just like they do!


"PRIZM has taught me how to enjoy “communicating with resonance.” The resonance is the moment right after you finish playing, and everyone is processing that the performance is over. I have learned that silence is the best part of any performance."

- Mary Siqueira

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